
Beech - Year 2

Teachers: Mr Irving Monday - Thursday and Mr Trumper each Friday.

Teaching Assistant: Miss Kemili

Beech class working on stop frame animations.

Investigating how we can change the shape of homemade play dough - bend it, shape it, any way you want it.

Mia reading a story to Beech class.

Archie reading to the class - well done!

Making play dough: using measuring skills and following instructions.

Using a viewfinder to focus on a Matisse composition.

Origami tigers on the prowl! Rooooar!

We are beginning to learn about the painter Matisse: here are our Matisse inspired plates.

Printing techniques and working together to make calendars in Beech Class.

Sharing a favourite book - George shared 'Stick Man' with the class. Well done George!

Autumn Term 2 Curriculum Map

Place Value - using arrow cards to help partition numbers.

Online resourcesmail

Please take a moment to look at the websites listed below via the embedded links. The children will have had opportunity to explore these in school.  Login details for each of these has been sent home (09.10.2017) as there may be occasion to access homework from these sites. 

Courgette Cakes

All of Beech class enjoyed the fruits of their harvest by baking delicious courgette cakes using courgettes that they planted when they were in in Year 1.  Working alongside Miss Kemili and Mrs Shipton, the children were able to measure, mix, share and cooperate. 
Like all of the classes across Powick Primary School, Beech class enjoyed a busy week learning about creation stories using skills from across the curriculum. It was fantastic to be show some of this work and to share a sign language version of 'What a wonderful world' with so many parents at the end of this special week. 

Useful information from Meet the Teacher - September 2017

Contact Us

  • Powick CofE Primary School
  • 42 Malvern Road, Powick, Worcester, Worcestershire, WR2 4RT