Always try your best and never give up!
Welcome to Year 6!
Mrs. Deborah Jeffrey is the year 6 class teacher (parents please call me Debbie!) and Ann Leeming is the teaching assistant.
Useful information:-
- Please feel free to contact me any time by email ( or ring the office and I will get back to you as soon as possible.
- P.E. kit is now needed every Wednesday and Friday.
- English and Maths homework is given out every Friday to be completed by the following Friday. Please encourage your child to be honest with me if homework has been lost, forgotten or just not been done!
- Reading is vitally important and year 6 pupils are expected to read for 30 minutes every day. (please ask for advice if this is proving difficult!)
- Your child has been given a homework book and should record all books read. Other useful information includes a timetable, current levels of attainment for Reading, Writing and Maths and end of term targets. Parents and pupils are very welcome to use these books as another form of communication.
Friday 13th July - Forest School...the second group!
Monday 2nd July - Forest School
Mrs Jeffrey arranged for some of us to go down to the forest with Miss Kemili for the morning. We collected wood for the fires and prepared the food ready to cook in the embers. We wrapped new potatoes in foil and stuffed bananas with chocolate before wrapping them with foil too. We also toasted marshmallows on skewers and made popcorn in an ingenious device made from two metal sieves. We also boiled water in the storm kettle to make hot chocolate. It was great fun and the rest of us are looking forward to having our turn next week!
Monday 11th June - Our visit from Erik the Viking
Year 6 had a very enjoyable and interesting day with Erik the Viking. Amongst other things, he gave us a great insight into family life in Viking times, explained how crime was dealt with and showed us examples of weapons and armour. Erik brought with him a huge number of artefacts, most of which we were able to touch and handle, including clothing and jewellery, armour, swords and household items.
Wellbeing Week 4th - 8th June
We began Wellbeing Week with a meditation session in the hall. This included warming up to some music, lots of stretches as well as quiet reflection and deep breathing.
Our next session out in the Cider Press involved fruit and a specially adapted bicycle! Some of us identified fruit and vegetables whilst blindfolded. Then we all had a go at making our strawberry, pineapple and mango smoothie (with apple juice) using pedal was delicious and very refreshing!
Redpoint brought their climbing wall to school which was fab! Some of us were a bit nervous but we all managed to have several turns climbing the four different routes to the top.
Mrs Kent led a very interesting session in the classroom - we looked at the sugar content (measured in sugar cubes) of fizzy drinks, including so-called 'healthy' drinks. We were very surprised with some of the results! We tasted different waters which had been infused with fruits and vegetables eg strawberry, carrot, cucumber and lemon, and some were much nicer than others.....!! We also learned how important it is to stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the day and how this helps to prevent headaches.
Each day during Wellbeing Week we have been challenged to run 'The Daily Mile' - 14 laps of a circuit around the school playing field! Some of us have managed to run all the way whilst others alternate between running and walking.
In our houses we all took part in a collaborative art project, creating silhouettes in our house colours of things that make us feel happy. We had the opportunity to work with children from all the other classes.
Wellbeing Week ended with a performance of 'Happy' by Pharrell Williams on the school playground. Our parents were invited to attend and the whole school sang together. Our art work was also on display for everyone to see.
24th May - Six girls from Year 6, along with Katie and Ellie from Year 5, took part in the Girls Cricket Tournament at Malvern Cricket Club. Despite the miserable weather and some tough opposition, they competed with smiles on their faces especially when they won a match against the Somers Park B team. Well done girls!
21/5/18 - Year 6 enjoyed playing 'top trumps' in order to learn about SUPERHEROES!
SATs revision can be fun!
1st May 2018 - Year 6 had great fun having a go on a number of 'musical machines' and creating lots of wonderful sounds!
26/3/18 - Year 6 thoroughly enjoyed their day at the Thinktank and discovered lots of information about 'animal classification'.
5/3/18 - visit to Gloucester Cathedral and Masjid - E- Noor Mosque.
1/3/18 - World Book Day. Class 6 enjoyed decorating a potato as a book character!
01/02/18 - classes 5 and 6 enjoyed sharing their 'beast' stories with each other.
26/01/18 - QinetiQ Technology Workshops
18/12/17 Y6 games for Christmas Fayre
14/12/17 - Powick Talent Show
Many thanks to Vicky for helping Y6 make Christingles.
December 2017 - many thanks to Mrs. Leeming for helping Y6 make Christmas Cakes!
27/11/17 Many thanks to Noah's Mum (Claire) for bringing in her triplets, Reuben, Edward and George. Oak class learnt a great deal about the development of babies and how much care they require - especially when there are three!
13/10/17 Worcestershire West Cross Country Championships - year 6 team
11/9/17 - 13/9/17 Residential at Malvern Outdoor Elements
15/9/17 R.E. Creation Week Finale
7/9/17 Oak / Y6 class talking to each other all about themselves!
A helpful aid to Spelling Punctuation and Grammar (SPAG)