
Support for Children and Families

You can speak to our Headteacher, Miss Worthington, or Assistant Headteacher, Mrs Souter, if you have any worries or concerns

Support for Children and Families and Early Help


At Powick we recognise the challenges that children and families in our community face throughout their lives. We can offer a range of different types of support either at school or through signposting to, or working with, other groups and services working locally.


The many different ways we can help are outlined in the Family Support and Early Help offer below. If you have any worries or concerns about your child or how you are managing as a family then please contact school to discuss how we can help.

Starting Well Partnership

Follow the link to find out more about the Summer Holiday HAF programme of events and how to apply.

Contact Us

  • Powick CofE Primary School
  • 42 Malvern Road, Powick, Worcester, Worcestershire, WR2 4RT