
Powick CE Primary School Curriculum

Powick C of C Primary School Curriculum Offer



At Powick we build our curriculum around our Christian vision of ‘Embracing Learning Together’. 


We foster a culture of collaboration and our highly skilled staff work together to design inspiring learning experiences and ensure all of our children have the opportunity to flourish.


Our children are taught to develop learning behaviours which help them fulfil their potential during their primary years. Opportunities to work together and learn from each other are regular and purposeful.


Our curriculum has been designed so that all children can make progress through small steps of learning. Our curriculum ensures that children are able to know more and remember more by the careful planning of learning sequences and through planned opportunities to revisit prior learning.


National Curriculum


The basis for progression within our curriculum is the National Curriculum 2014 and the Early Years Foundation Stage Statutory Framework. The National Curriculum is mapped across the phases taught in primary school: EYFS, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2.


Powick Curriculum Design


In English, maths and science, our curriculum is taught from the National Curriculum. Specific objectives have been mapped across year groups to give clarity to what is learnt at each stage and to support teachers in the planning process. Our teachers plan sequences of learning in English, maths and science which meet the needs of the pupils in their class and ensure all children make progress. Please see our English, maths and science pages on the website for more detail.


In foundations subjects, schemes of learning, carefully planned by experts, are used to ensure that the curriculum is designed with the appropriate level of subject knowledge to ensure every child has access to broad and balanced learning which builds on the knowledge and skills that have been learnt previously as they move through the school.


It is our intent that our curriculum will:


  • Teach subjects discretely so that there is an emphasis on the unique features of each discipline which is reflected in the learning which takes place
  • Make links across the curriculum where appropriate to build connections in learning
  • Plan out the knowledge, skills and understanding that we want children to learn
  • Provide small steps of learning which help children build deeper understanding across sequences, year groups and key stages
  • Develop children’s vocabulary and give them opportunities to apply subject-specific words
  • Offer opportunities for collaborative learning with a focus on talking about learning and asking questions that demonstrate understanding


Our curriculum is supported by the use of Knowledge Organisers in science, history, geography, art and design technology which enable children to revisit and remember key names, dates, facts and events and relate these to each other to build a powerful schema of learning. These are available on our Class Curriculum pages.


Each subject is timetabled to ensure a deep understanding is acquired which supports children’s knowledge and understanding within each specific discipline - either as six week blocks or in one week of afternoon sessions.


Children with Special Education Needs and Disabilities


At Powick we recognise that some children need more support to be able to access the curriculum and our teachers use adaptive teaching to ensure that all children can learn and make progress.  Please see our Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) website page for more information.

Powick Long Term Curriculum Plan

Personal Development


Alongside the mapped curriculum, we have a carefully planned Programme of Personal Development which ensures all children at Powick have opportunities to flourish and discover their individual potential.


This is planned through our PSHE, RSE and RE curriculum as well as being highlighted through our six core Christian values, British values and a range of planned events to ensure all of our children have opportunities and experiences which will help them discover and develop their knowledge, skills and abilities in a wide and varied range of activities and events.


Equality for all


Powick CE Primary School is committed to ensuring equality of education and opportunity for all students, staff, parents, guardians or carers, irrespective of race, gender, disability, belief, religion or socio-economic background.


We are proud of the diversity within our school community and have due regard to:


  • eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation
  • advance equality of opportunity
  • foster good relations and positive attitudes between all characteristics and different groups in all activities


This perspective is embedded and expected in all our policies and practices to ensure discrimination and inequality are tackled appropriately.


To read more about our equality objectives for this academic year please see the website page named 'Policies'.



Lessons at Powick will include the following elements, though not always in the same order.

  • Lessons will begin with a short review of previous learning
  • New material will be presented in small steps with pupils practising after each step
  • Teacher gives clear and detailed instructions and explanations
  • Teacher asks lots of questions to elicit understanding
  • Teacher thinks aloud and models steps
  • Children are asked to explain what they have learnt
  • Feedback is given both verbally and in live marking
  • Material is re-taught if needed
  • Students are well prepared for independent practice
  • During independent work children are monitored and the teacher supports them where needed


Please see our Teaching and Learning Policy for further information.


The impact of our curriculum, as well as being measured through official and internal data when appropriate, will be evaluated with regard to these key indicators:

  • Children know more and remember more about the key concepts and knowledge in each area of learning
  • Children are able to do more as the progressive acquisition of skills is carefully planned for across each phase and key stage
  • Pupils demonstrate effective learning behaviours including being able to work collaboratively
  • Pupils use a wide vocabulary and are able to articulate their ideas and express themselves with clarity
  • Where pupils are identified as needing further support this is acted on quickly and with an appropriate level of adaptation or intervention to ensure they quickly overcome their misconceptions


Please see our Assessment Handbook and Assessment Policy for more information.

Curriculum Documents


Our curriculum is mapped across each subject in a series of units of work for each year group. These units build upon previous learning and ensure progress across the school. They are supplemented by in-depth progression documents as part of all of the schemes of learning used at Powick. This ensures teachers have a deep understanding of the learning in their year group, as well as how children's skills and knowledge develop as they move through the school.



Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum Documents

Progression Documents

For further information about the topics and learning in your child's class please see our Class Curriculum page which is updated termly with a Curriculum Newsletter, homework grid and the Knowledge Organisers for science, history, geography, art and design technology.


If you would like to discuss our curriculum in more detail, then please contact the school office on: 01905 830336 or email:

Contact Us

  • Powick CofE Primary School
  • 42 Malvern Road, Powick, Worcester, Worcestershire, WR2 4RT