We use ‘Class Dojo’ in all classes to positively recognise children’s achievements.
Class Dojo is an online system, which gives parents information to be able to celebrate and to reflect on the school day with their child. We use Class Dojo to reward children's positive attitudes to learning and as a way of communicating with parents and sharing work in class. Each child has a ‘monster avatar’ that earns dojo points for positive learning behaviours and outstanding work.
From a parent account, parents can access lots of useful information about their child's day at school including ‘class stories’ and the positive Dojo Points that they have earnt.
Parents can also use Class Dojo to message their child's teacher during work hours. Teachers will always do their best to reply as quickly as possible but please bear in mind that school life can be incredibly busy and whilst every effort will be made to respond, there may be a slight delay on occasion. Teachers will not be able to pick up messages while they are teaching so please contact the school office with any urgent messages.
We hope that parents will find Class Dojo to be a convenient and exciting way to find out how their child is getting on at school.