
Year 3


Welcome to Year 3!

Teacher: Mrs Radley

Teaching Assistant: Ms Franks


Welcome Back, I hope that you have all had a fantastic Summer and are looking forward to a fantastic new term!


This term our topic is Stone Age to the Iron Age. PE. will take the form of swimming on Wednesday morning, American sports taught by Rik on a Monday afternoon and gymnastics taught by Mrs Radley on a Thursday morning,


The children will be given homework on a Friday and they will have a week to complete it. This will take the form of spellings to learn and Maths (either a sheet or a task on All homework will be stuck into a homework book.  If they are struggling with any aspect of it, please encourage them to come and have a chat with me about it.


Any questions as always, please do make an appointment to see me.

Mrs Radley smiley

A few busy weeks before half term!

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Year 3's clapping/singing game

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Super proud of year 3 this week working together and they did this without me asking (after learning it in our music lesson)!

The Queens 90th Birthday

26th February

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Reporters Millie Comer and Jackson Howard

New units and a book corner in Year 3!

12th February

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This week's been very busy - parents in for maths morning, a trip to the Hive, visiting the library van and loosing one member of our class :( But enjoy the last of our chocolate songs...very impressive from the children!

5th February News

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Reporters Harry Westbury and Roxy McGovern

29th January News

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22nd January News

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Reporters Austin Pullin and Harry Farmer

15th January 2016 News

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Reporters Eva Lewis and Archie Haynes

8th January 2016 News

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Reported by Robert Hulls and Noah Gent

Christmas at Powick

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4th December

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Reported by Sofia and Harry Williams

27th November News

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Reported by Harley and Ellie

13th November

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In Year 3 we have had an exciting week making poppys, learning about adding on 1s and 10s to 3 digit numbers and visiting the inside of an ambulance!
Reporters Oska and Jake

Week ending 6th November News

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After a very busy week of lots of learning, a visit from a theatre company, a visit from isingpop and our healthy living day here are our favourite parts of the week!
Reporters Danas and Anwen

23rd October News

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Reported by Ellie Crisp and Rhys Turner.

Week ending 16th October

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Year 3 have been working on creating their own news reports this week in English. In groups they have planned them, videoed them, made them on imovie using the IPads and have reviewed them - it's been a very busy week.

This is one great example of the work they produced!

Class work (9/10/15)

News of the week 2nd October

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News of the week 25th September.

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News of the week 18th September

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Welcome to Year 3!

Welcome Back, I hope that you have all had a fantastic Summer and are looking forward to a fantastic new term!


I have included a few notes below to give you a broad outline of the work that we will be covering this term.  Maths and English will be taught daily, with the rest of the subjects being taught in blocks, with the exception of P.E.,music and PSHE.



This year the class will be taught by Miss Jones on Monday through to Thursday and by Mrs King a Friday morning.


In Maths, we will be looking at addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and fractions.


This term's English will cover writing in various styles with a focus upon Stig of the Dump around our topic Stone Age to Iron Age.  This will include story construction, characterisation and inferring meaning. We will be listening to the children read regularly in school but do expect the children to read every night at home.  We ask that the children fill in their own reading records but do fill it in if you wish to communicate with the school.


P.E. will take the form of swimming on Wednesday morning and American sports taught by Rik on a Monday afternoon.  The class will also be taught PSHE on a Monday afternoon by Mrs Tolley.


Our topic for the term will be Stone Age to Iron Age and in Science, we will be studying rocks and our bodies.  In RE will will look at why people pray as well as Christian festivals. We are also very fortunate to have Mrs King who will be visiting us on every other week on a Friday afternoon, to teach the children French.


The children will be given homework on a Friday and they will have a week to complete it. This will take the form of spellings to learn and a maths sheet related to work covered in class.  I would like the children to write a sentence that includes each of their spellings and to complete the 'look, say, cover, write, check' sheet. All homework will be stuck into a homework book.  If they are struggling with any aspect of it, please encourage them to come and have a chat with me about it.


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me via the school office or leave a note in your child's homework book.


Miss Jones

Useful websites about France

The Story of Rama and Sita

Contact Us

  • Powick CofE Primary School
  • 42 Malvern Road, Powick, Worcester, Worcestershire, WR2 4RT